- Is 2021 Xperience Pack on Fandom Legacy?
No. This A only works on Unified Community Platform
- Will 2021 Xperience Pack work on my Wiki?
Yes! This doesn't use variables that must be changed on theme change anymore
- Where can I try 2021 Xperience pack?
- Can I install 2021 Xperience Pack for all users?
No. You can however put it in a gadget (Assuming that the gadgets extension is enabled on your wiki) which must be disabled by default
- How can I install 2021 Xperience Pack for me?
For all UCP Wikis, go here. For a signle wiki, go to https://xxx.fandom.com/wiki/Special:MyPage/oasis.css where xxx is wiki's domain (e.g. https://essentialsdocs.fandom.com/wiki/Special:MyPage/oasis.css). Then, put before anything CSS code the following:
@import url('//web-qore.fandom.com/load.php?mode=articles&articles=MediaWiki:Gadget-Personals.css&only=styles');