Σε λίγες μέρες, θα αποχαιρετήσουμε το OpenBitmap και θα πούμε καλημέρα στην Evelution Terminal γραμματοσειρά. Δείτε την εδω.
Θα θέλουμε να ακούσουμε τα σχολειά σας εδω (Ελληνικά/Αγγλικά) ή εκεί (Αγγλικά)
Μόλις ολογληρώθηκε.
Σε λίγες μέρες, θα αποχαιρετήσουμε το OpenBitmap και θα πούμε καλημέρα στην Evelution Terminal γραμματοσειρά. Δείτε την εδω.
Θα θέλουμε να ακούσουμε τα σχολειά σας εδω (Ελληνικά/Αγγλικά) ή εκεί (Αγγλικά)
Και είναι αυτό
Αυτό θα πρέπει να είναι και το τελευταίο!!!
Με αγάπη, A Techno Services
We have brought two new fonts
Font with high text legibility. Supports English and Ellinika. You can try it here. It existed in our symban for more than 20 years. This font is not suitable for use in Websites due to having other purposes (e.g Terminal).
Font that wrote history for more than 30 years and we're bringing it today. Supports English and other Latin Languages. You can try it here. This font contains similiarities with the System font you see in Windows but those two don't appear the same.
Έχουμε βγάλει δύο καινούριες γραμματοσειές
Η Γραμματοσειρά με μεγαλήτερη αναγνωστιμότιτα στο κείμενο. Υποστηρίζει Ίνγκλις και Ελληνικά. Μπορείτε να τη δοκιμάσετε εδώ. Υπήρχε στο σύμπαν μας για πάνω από 20 χρόνια. Αυτή η γραμματοσειρά δεν είναι κατάλληλη για χρήση σε Ιστοσελίδες επιδή έχει άλλους σκοπούς (π.χ. Τερματικό)
Η Γραμματοσειρά που έχει γράψει ιστορία για πάνω από 30 χρόνια και σας στην φέρνουμε σήμερα. Υποστηρίζει Ίνγκλις και άλλες Λατίν γλώσσες. Μπορείτε να τη δοκιμάσετε εδώ. Αυτή η γραμματοσειρά περιλαμβάνει ομοιότητες με την γραμματοσειρά System που την βλέπετε στα Windows αλλά δεν εμφανίζονται και οι 2 το ίδιο
Καλό Καλοκαίρι από την οικογένια Evelution.
The Evelution skin brings "a lot more" on the core MediaWiki. Coming with two article options, Standard and Full which is applied once per page load, this gives you more control on article browsing. Taking advantage of the once per page load setting that Allows you to change between the four themes will make you view the wiki using different than expected colors.
The inclusion of two Sticky sidebars and a sticky local navigation makes the user able to keep their tools on hand.
Users are able to customize parts of the interface as needed. Just use the MediaWiki:Common.css to do this. In addition, changing the 4 main themes are also allowed. For instance:
.theme-A[visualcolors="standard"] {
This will change the 1st theme to the official a Techno Theme
Note that some things may still be not themed according to the theme choices such as Tabs and Dialogs but more will be worked on on the later releases. This skin has been tested and works with VisualEditor. However the VE Edit button does not include a pencil icon. You can view the code here.
Two different main breakpoint sizes are present: 705px for Small Screens and 1280px for Larger screens. Furthermore, a Medium Breakpoint for screens between Small and Large is also included.
Note that all theme and article sizes (Between Full and Fixed) are temporary, reloading the page will erase your choices, much like in Web Qore
Option C won. Thanks for your patience. Option A is being used as Discord Avatar
2 Votes in Poll
1 Vote in Poll
Μόλις έφτασε το Unified Community Platform εδώ. Δείτε την περιγραφή εδώ (Στα αγγλικά).
Παράλληλα, τρέχουμε το MW 1.33. Όσο μένει το Oasis, θα έχουμε το 2021 Xperience Pack μέσα. Όταν και αυτό φύγει, θα κάνουμε κάτι διαφορετικό άλλα παρόμοιο,
Πείτε μας τι σας αρέσει από την αναβάθμιση λογισμικού εδώ
The final list of MLS Blocks that will be farewelled thanks to the discontinuation of MLS Blocks
As one may know, its now the time to ditch the development and support of the former BYOB 3.1.1 MLS Blocks. It was done for the following reasons:
Not running on a cutting-edge engine
Not all blocks worked as fast as I was expected
Terrible support of non-Latin languages on many blocks, particularly every coded ones.
Inability of doing certain things (i.e. Hyperblocks, continuations)
Longer loading times (This will still be an issue on CPE if your network is malfunctioning or slow)
Many blocks didn't do the intended reporting correctly
Lack of dropdown menus with options on blocks that required it, leading to issues on inexperienced users
Will you still be providing support on a such library?
Yes but not on MLS Blocks any longer. Users are encouraged to try CPE Blocks instead which is not only offered through Snap! but also is also online and faster.
Will all blocks from MLS be in CPE?
Not all but many of them have been included. Even if something is not present in CPE, it is either due to the inability to port this to Snap! or due to the exclusion in the library. If the latter, it might come at a later version
Will I still be able to use MLS Blocks in case my computer can't run Snap!?
Yes. You're still free to use MLS blocks in your tests but please note that you'll be the ones with responsibility in case something goes wrong as I no longer give any more support to MLS Blocks. CPE Blocks support will be for ages so even if something goes wrong with the CPE library, you can give me out the result of the code to investigate it for you.
Downloads for MLS Blocks will stay up forever, despite this farewell.
Below, here's a list of almost every block not present in CPE Blocks at this time:
Drum blocks from AC version are now in Snap! However, they have different drums
List of blocks that are exclusive to the Hidden AC version:
{Move %n steps with %n acceleration} (Moves %n steps with different priority stack (Other than 50))
The acceleration parameter to the jump block
(Algidize %inline) (Reports a compiled function - When placed into a c-slot or inline slot, it will run the script with an additional 1,25db SNR and can be placed inside another algidize reporter block such as (Algidize (Algidize %inline)) which will make the script run with an additional 2,5db SNR)
{Run %inline with %n acceleration} (Runs the script with different priority stack (Other than 50))
(Savestate %repos) (Same as (Save %repos) reporter from MLS blocks)
{Loadstate %list} (The reverse of (Savestate %repos) block. Everything saved with the above block will be loaded to the sprite)
(Evergreen %inline) (Reports a compiled function - When placed into a c-slot or inline slot, it will run the script with 100% renewable sources of energy)
(Refresh Rate) (Returns either 50 or 60 - Tied to the FPS settings in AC)
Different four drums to select compared to Snap ones!
(Channel %n of sound %sound)
The channels option in the 1st dropdown of (%kind of sound %sound) (Reports the number of channels the sound has)
{Trill Note %n} (Plays a bunch of notes at an incredible level - Not included in Snap! CPE Blocks because of the inability to have core features with the words Trill and Prill in PictoGames-hosted libraries that will be primarily used online)
{Set %v color to %c} (Sets Variable Watcher color to a specified color)
The blink option in the dropdown of Set Cursor Block
FAQ list will be created in Greek and will shortly followed by an English translation
2021 Xperience pack is going wild. This A Will revisit every style and will remade it. See here for a detailed FAQ list.
Hi Everybody, the 2021 Xperience Pack (Known as 2021 A during development) will soon be ready and more stable. Some minor bugs may exist but it goes great. Unlike the past 2018 A, it goes into a different approach. Rail Modes, content area and much more were redesigned into this package. This is free to use for personal use without any credit to give. Default secondary font for this Xperience Pack is Rubik but for some non ATechno-branded wikis, I have set a different secondary font that while it is not the same the wiki wordmark of that wiki uses, it is the closest one I could use from a list of fonts I have chosen from Google Fonts (Including but not limited to Days One, Didact Gothic (Font used on Q.Qore), Roboto etc.)
If you are browsing a wiki with UCP but you need a customization pack, this one is for you. No longer uses custom variables that need to be updated every time a wiki theme changes! This is handled by the iVariables FANDOM give with minimal custom ones.
iVariables means integrated variables
Will CPE be available in my language?
Currently, only on languages I am able to do properly. In this case, my native language and English. Don't worry, blocks will still be made in English
CPE Blocks since September is the flagship block library, bypassing MLS Blocks as the previous flagship.
Will I see changes?
You should see many changes as this library takes out every past technique we used to do.
What are the changes between MLS Blocks and CPE Blocks?
Yes. You will see a lot. A list of these changes is below to ensure that your tutorials made for MLS Blocks will carry over to CPE Blocks easily:
It no longer uses the outdated BYOB 3.1.1 with two added blocks. It uses Snap! 6 Series instead. Performance should increase drastically compared to the past.
Many of the blocks inherited from MLS Blocks have been rewritten so as not to rely on too much code while preserving its functionality (The most beloved repeated function %num times at %text using %repo block is now used in more blocks in CPE Blocks compared MLS Blocks). Many similar blocks have been combined into one block with dropdown menu to access those blocks that you would found in MLS Blocks
Some blocks now adhere to Snap!'s stock blocks (The custom all but %num of list reporter is still included, though since it workarounds all but last of list block)
Some blocks inherited from MLS blocks have improved functionality (More string-modification blocks support non-latin words for instance)
Some of the blocks that used scripting in MLS Blocks no longer use scripting and vice versa (Case Sensitive equals block now uses scripting in CPE)
Some blocks coded in Squeak are now in JScript
Some blocks from MLS Blocks are no longer available but some of them have workarounds (Notably the drum blocks since Drum Blocks don't exist in Snap!)
Φτάσαμε στο νέο domain με fandom.com και πάει ως alpha-technologies.fandom.com/el αυτή τη στιγμή. Η awikia.github.io/Mpisto έχει ήδη διαμορφωθεί να υποστηρίζει το fandom.com για μήνες. Ας δούμε ότι ποτέ θα ήμαστε ως A Fandom Technologes αλλά ως A Wiki Technologies