The Evelution skin brings "a lot more" on the core MediaWiki. Coming with two article options, Standard and Full which is applied once per page load, this gives you more control on article browsing. Taking advantage of the once per page load setting that Allows you to change between the four themes will make you view the wiki using different than expected colors.
The inclusion of two Sticky sidebars and a sticky local navigation makes the user able to keep their tools on hand.
Users are able to customize parts of the interface as needed. Just use the MediaWiki:Common.css to do this. In addition, changing the 4 main themes are also allowed. For instance:
.theme-A[visualcolors="standard"] {
This will change the 1st theme to the official a Techno Theme
Note that some things may still be not themed according to the theme choices such as Tabs and Dialogs but more will be worked on on the later releases. This skin has been tested and works with VisualEditor. However the VE Edit button does not include a pencil icon. You can view the code here.
Two different main breakpoint sizes are present: 705px for Small Screens and 1280px for Larger screens. Furthermore, a Medium Breakpoint for screens between Small and Large is also included.
Note that all theme and article sizes (Between Full and Fixed) are temporary, reloading the page will erase your choices, much like in Web Qore